July 28th, 1935: don Jose Maria Hernandez Garnica joins Opus Dei

On this date, don Jose Maria Hernandez Garnica wrote his letter asking to join Opus Dei. Years later, on June 25th, 1944, he became one of the first three priests in the Work (with Blessed Alvaro and don Jose Luis Muzquiz). With blessed Alvaro they also shared the same school and classroom. They also made their first Holy Communion on the same day. Blessed Alvaro had joined Opus Dei a few days earlier, on the 7th of the same month.

“Chiqui” as those close to him called him, was given the job by St. Josemaria of fostering the The Work’s apostolate among women in Spain. Later on, he went to several countries in Europe to do pastoral work there: England, Ireland, France, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium and Holland. Needless to say, he learned different languages and adapted to different environments and cultures. He also endured several illnesses, especially the final one which went for over a year. God chose to take him to Himself on the eve of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, 1972, while he was praying.

For a brief biography and to hear St. Josemaria’s words about that son of his, see this video:

The diocesan Process on his life and virtues opened in Madrid on February 28, 2005 and concluded on March 17, 2009.

All the documents and testimonies gathered have now been sent to Rome.

On November 11, 2011, Cardinal Lluis Martinez Sistach, Archbishop of Barcelona, presided over the transfer of the servant of God’s mortal remains from the Montjuic cemetery to the church of Santa Maria de Montalegre.

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