02-05-1986: Solemn dedication of the prelatic Church Our Lady of Peace in Villa Tevere, by Bl. Alvaro.
St. John Paul II, through the Apostolic Constitution Ut Sit (28/11/1982), raised the oratory of Our Lady of Peace to Prelatic Church of the Prelature. The solemn dedication was done only until all the construction works for the chapel of the Blessed Sacrament had been concluded.
The document of the dedication of the Church, signed by don Alvaro, says, among other things: “While I was carrying out the dedication, I prayed to God with fervour that, this Church entrusted by John Paul II to me and to my successors, because in its crypt is buried our most beloved father and founder, to be always the centre towards which the hearts of my sons and daughters converge...”. St Josemaria had considered that, when the juridical solution were to arrive, the Prelate of Opus Dei would need a Church of his own -according to canon law-, and had built the chapel of the Holy Cross at Cabavianca with that purpose: “If God wills [the juridical solution], [the chapel] will be very important in the history of the Work". However, don Alvaro, in agreement with the Pope, wanted that the prelatic Church to be Santa Maria de la Paz (Our Lady of Peace), because in the crypt is where our father is buried.
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