29/06/1948: St. Josemaria establishes the Roman College of the Holy Cross.
Villa Tevere had been founded in the beginning of 1947. A few months after, they moved from the flat in Citta Leonina to what they called "the Pensionato, where they lived for a long while, without having any more beds than the one reserved for whoever was sick. They practically counted only with the ground floor.
At the same time that they did many negotiations to make the Work known (st Josemaría had arrived in Rome only two years before) they were trying to get money for the works of Villa Tevere, they procured for the apostolic expansion throughout Italy, and on top of all that st. Josemaría took a gigantic leap of faith and signed the decree by which the Roman College of the Holy Cross was raised. Its first rector was don Alvaro. Immediately many students started arriving, as St Josemaría would've predicted: one day, they would come from all continents.
June 29th, 1948: The Roman College of the Holy Cross
June 28th, 1946: "Cum Societatis"
June 28th, 1940: "I thought what would be of me, if I abandoned the vocation received from God"
June 27th, 1937: The custom of the three Hail Marys
During a meditation in the Consulate of Honduras, st Josemaría said: “After this talk, I’d like that from now on all of you took up a custom: to pray every day to our lady three Hail Marys, kneeling and when possible, with your arms in the shape of a Cross, so that she concedes the gift of purity to everyone in the Work”.
June 26th, 1975: St. Josemaria's 'Dies natalis'

June 26th, 1944: Don Alvaro hears sacramental Confession for the first time
June 25th, 1973: "Here on earth, there's only one saint"
June 25th, 1944: Priestly ordination of the first three
June 24th, 1946: st. Josemaría’s first Mass in a centre in Rome
June 22nd, 1933: what i if everything is a lie, an illusion, a waste of time?
22/06/1933: Thursday, eve of the feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. St Josemaría is in the Church of perpetual help in Madrid for some days of retreat which he had started on the 19th of June. Some time before, (written in his Catherines in 1932) a claretian (F. Juan Postius) with whom he had been going to confession since father Sanchez went into hiding due to the persecution, had announced to him a test from God: “Father Postius, told me that the time will come in which I won’t feel that supernatural impulse and love for the Work”. In May 1930 our father had written: “Not once does it come to me to think that I go fooling around, that God doesn’t want his Work, anything but that”. But that Thursday evening in 1933, for brief moments, our Lord took away that clear sight of the 2nd of October 1928, letting him float among those adverse thoughts that jumped on his mind. St Josemaría wrote: “It was matter of seconds, but how does one suffer!”. And he recounts: “Alone, in a pew of this Church of Perpetual Help, I was trying to pray before The Most Holy Sacrament when, for a moment and without any clear reason -there isn’t any- it came to my consideration this bitter thought: What if everything is a lie, an illusion of yours, and you’re wasting your time... and -which is worse- others’ time?” It was a moment of supernatural vacuum, a supreme angst that filled my soul with bitterness. In front of such doubt, I asked God: “If the Work is not for serving you, to serve your Church, destroy it! make it be gone immediately!. And if it is, confirm me!. Immediately he à experimented an ineffable sense of peace and joy, like a confirmation that the Work is God's: Immensely I felt confirmed in the truth about His Will regarding His Work”. St Josemaría left this fact written, according to his notes: “Because I want the first ones to be aware of the divine little things that have surrounded the birth of this new militia of Christ. With this knowledge and that which from my miseries they will go acquiring, by way of dealing with me, they won’t be able of anything else but to love the Work and exclaim: “Truly this Work is... the Work of God!”.
This same test he suffered in Sept. 1941 in Segovia. St Josemaría made the same petition to God again, and again had the same supernatural reaction.
21/06/1946: Stormy night in the J.J. Sister
21/06/1946: Stormy night on the boat J.J. Sister (st Josemaría was travelling with don Jose Orlandis) during the trip from Barcelona to Genoa. The doctor in Madrid had advised against the trip, and told st Josemaría he was not accountable for his life if he went ahead. St Josemaría had written to don Alvaro: There is nothing funny about this trip you talk of as 'convenient': I’ve never been in worse physical condition... However, decided not to go against God’s will (...) I’ll go like a truss”.
The storm, strange itself at that time of the year, lasted for almost 20 hours. All the dinerware and glassware in the dining room was broken. One could hear the furniture moving from side to side of the rooms. Practically all passengers and crew ended up seasick. In the midst of it, st Josemaría commented to don Jose: “You know what? If we sink and get eaten by the fish... Perico (Pedro) Casciaro shall not eat seafood ever again! Soon after he commented: “Got to see how deep has the devil sunk it’s tail in the gulf of Lyon! It’s clear he’s not happy about us arriving in Rome!”. St Josemaría arrived in Genoa the night of the 22nd of June. Don Alvaro and don Salvador Canals were there waiting for him. St Josemaría when greeting don Alvaro, said to him: “Here you got me you crook!... You ended up getting your way!”. That night they slept in a hotel in Genoa, but it was so late that the diner was closed. St Josemaría hadn’t eaten anything for more than 30 hours. Don Alvaro could only offer him a piece of cheese that he had kept in his pocket thinking of St Josemaría, anticipating he might have not been able to eat during the trip. The next day they left to Rome.
June 20th, 1957: Death of "Aunt" Carmen
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Portrait of St. Josemaria with his sister Carmen and brother Santiago |
June 16th, 1970: St. Josemaria's wish to die staring at our Lady of Guadalupe
June 16th, 1950: Decree of approval "Primus Inter"
June 15th, 1946: The move to Città Leonina
June 14th: don Javier's birthday (the current prelate of Opus Dei)
June 10th, 1927: the crucial meeting that allowed st. Josemaría to settle in Madrid
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Church of the Foundation of St. Isabel |
June 10th, 1949: the first of the inscriptions on Villa Tevere's wall
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Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome |
June 6th, 1939: Nothing would get in the way of Don Alvaro's evening of recollection
June 4th, 1943: Don Alvaro tricks the Swiss Guards
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Dressed with the uniform of the School of Engineers, he explained to Pope Pius XII in 1943 the new ecclesial entity of Opus Dei |